An orphan student who is introduced to Bonyad Danesh by Individuals or Legal entities will be examined in terms of his/her talents (grades and intelligence), and level of need in regards of Bonyad Danesh rules and then she/he could be identified as a needy student who deserves to receive services.
This process is as follows:
A: initial Acceptance:
1. Telephone interview with the introduced students and fill the initial application form
2. Review the application form regarding : grades (Based on a school-approved) and Loss of father (Death certificate)
3. Investigate his/her family level of needs regarding the type of housing, family income and number of family members by calling the family directly or finding information from the introducer
4. Review the application form and the gathered information regarding the level of needs
5. Confirmation of admission for the first stage
6. Complete the data based regarding the gathered information
7. the accepted students will be checked by the review team
B: Investigation
1. investigate at student’s residential place in person for the students who have been approved in the first stage
2. Find out about the living condition for the students who have been approved in the first stage and complete the related questionnaire
3. Determine support needs for the students who have been approved in the first stage and fill in the questionnaire
4. Collecting the documents regarding the related questionnaire
5. Justify parents and family members of approved student regarding Bonyad Danesh services and ways to deal with them.
6. deliver the complete questionnaire form and received documents to the person in charge
7. collected information at the investigation stage will be checked and verified by the person in charge at Bonyad Danesh and will be submitted to the deputy of education, training and support
C: Intelligence evaluation
1. Introducing the approved students to the investigation stage to counseling centers and psychological services centers for Intelligence evaluation (if needed)
2. Check and compare the Intelligence evaluation results in terms of compliance with intelligence features and other psychological features and Announce the results
3. Record the intelligence evaluation results and implement the psychological studies for approved students
4. Result analysis and determine the strengths and Psychological needs of approved students and write in the relevant forms
5. Present some doable proposals to support approved student’s talents and capabilities.
D: Interview
1. Check and Study the results of initial acceptance and intelligence evaluation of approved students
2. Determine the indicators and criteria for interview
3. interview with accepted students In-person and also with their parents If necessary regarding their interests
4. Verification the results and results announcement